Discover mynext psychometric assessments
“Share with us what your strengths and weaknesses are”
And that’s when the mind usually goes haywire on what the right answer should be. Is there even a right answer to begin with? How do we explain our weaknesses in a productive way?
When we looked into the right answer to these questions, we found that most of them followed a certain template that hiring managers were probably accustomed to by now. We needed something that would make us stand out, as our strengths and gaps shouldn’t be dependent on what the internet decided was the status quo of all personality traits.
While the idea to introduce psychometric assessments into the system was well received, we also wanted to ensure that it would be impactful to the nation. Hence, we created credible assessments that were evidence-based and curated by seasoned professionals who were experienced in the topics of interest.
To do this, we incorporated assessments that used industry-relevant models such as the RIASEC model, OCEAN model and the O*NET model. We also engaged with several well-known psychologists and educationists to ensure that each question within each assessment was crafted with a purpose in mind – to help you discover yourself, personally and professionally. The mynext Profiling Suite is segmentized into five different assessments, each individualised to cater to different aspects of one’s career journey. These assessments allow individuals to discover the following:
In addition to that, results from certain assessments will be streamlined and automatically provide potential career paths that are well-suited with your personalised skills via our Career Explorer feature.
As a job seeker, this feature would be useful to most because of the career opportunities it could potentially open. Long gone are the days where engineers were only expected to only apply for roles that had the word ‘engineer’ in its title. Because in reality, an engineer could also be great in marketing. So, why limit yourself to the norm.
To add to that, we also integrate results of your profiling assessments onto an auto-generated CV, which can then be downloaded to be used for your personal use, or to apply for internship directly via the mynext platform. Hiring employers on mynext can then access your results to see if your skills align with their hiring criteria.
Finding yourself professionally can be a challenging journey, but it doesn’t have to be a lonely one. This is why mynext was introduced. To guide individuals on their career journey by providing them with an avenue of self-awareness and discover, and of course, to help you answer those tricky interview questions. So, if you’re just about to enter the world of work, a seasoned individual of the workforce, or from any walk of life for that matter, the mynext Profiling Suite should be a priority in your to do list. Afterall, it’s completely complimentary to our mynext users.
Begin your self-discovery journey today with MyNext Talent!